Did You Know About The VegTrug?

I don’t know where I have been, but I have just discovered a VEGTRUG and it is the coolest thing. What's a Veg Trug? It's an elevated garden planter, perfect for vegetables (and herbs!) VegTrugs are designed for gardening on decks or patios (no bending or kneeling!).


You can grow plants at an easy working height in this unique patio garden; no bending or kneeling to plant, tend and harvest. The elevated bed means no weeds and fewer pests, too. The V-shape makes efficient use of space and planting mix — grow deep-rooted plants like tomatoes in the center, shallow-rooted crops like salad greens along the edges. Includes a fitted fabric liner to keep soil contained while letting excess water drain.

I really like this next one because of the shelf. The shelf is very handy! This one below is closest to the one we bought:


We have a small vegetable garden in the back yard but wanted the herbs closer to the door so I would actually use them! Before it was go out on the deck, then down the stairs, around the corner, open the garden gate and hope it was not all wet and muddy to pick a few sprigs of basil. Now I take my scissors out the door and there they are! haha


A good gift for Dad for Father’s Day? My husband actually found them and is excited to use.


I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are our own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission. Read full privacy policy here.

Here is our VegTrug:

veg trug

We bought this chair set recently from Amazon- very comfortable!


I just sprayed them off with a hose because of all the pollen! Waiting for them to dry to flop myself down and rest. :)

I hope you have a restful day! Take care and thanks!

Kelly xo