Bringing Spring in Early with Tulips

I went to the local grocer today and I found tulips for sale! I was so excited because nothing says Spring like a vase of tulips:pink and bluepink arrangementThe only problem was picking which color to buy! All so pretty. I ended up with pink to use with my blue and white jars:pinkpink tulipsCan you tell which is the faux flower?:pink tulipAnd I found yellow tulips, (wishing I bought two bunches of the yellow but there was only one):yellow tulipsYellow tulips are so happy looking, don’t you think? Only need to bring flowers home, cut inch off stems and stick them in the vase. Easy. They always fall into a creative design:yellow tulipsSo are you ready to start bringing Spring indoors? Tulips will definitely cheer you up!Have a great weekend everyone!Kelly  xoxo